Thursday, April 17, 2008

a glimpse through the window

read counterclockwise from noon, outside first

Gaze in here

Will do me no harm..................And seek to find

To show outward grace..................................The glint of cheer

Shows public is the source...........the thoughts of mind

This sheltering face...........................of all joy and of all fear.......................keen you must be

But depth, you lack..........................but God alone knows.....................if through this vent

You know my name.................the secrets kept are able to see

that smiles back.................................................thought and intent

This is the frame..........................throughout the chat

To find if I am weak.....a clue you seek

my gaze you look at


Anonymous said...

so...i was reading this so intently, trying to make sure i got the meaning of the poem, and that i was reading it in the direction to get the full effect, and randomly wondered at the end, "hmm, i wonder why he chose these colors?" it wasn't til i was scrolling away that the structure caught my and i nearly said out loud "oh, it's an eye! i get it!" i blame the human event for manipulating my brain.
anyway, you're a good writer. don't stop.

Unknown said...

That was really good and creative.